New Haven, CT, August 13, 2013 – Students at Common Ground High School, the city’s environmental charter high school, have
Four New Haven high school students gave up their cell phones, their friends, and their comfy beds, and headed this
A green high school is getting even greener.
The high school, Common Ground High School – one of three federally recognized
Present: Michael Doolittle, Claudia Merson, Jane Lee, Bob Parker, Frank Mitchell, Monique Frasier, Kim Futrell, John Jessen, Joel Tolman, Melissa Spear,
Regrets: Ben Gardner
People find Common Ground in many different ways: as a child attending summer camp, or as an eager gardener at
by Melissa Spear, Executive Director
What you are about to read is not what I originally intended to write about this
By Miranda,CG '14
Two and a half years ago I started as a freshman at Common Ground High School, and my
At Common Ground, we push our students to do real work for public audiences -- helping them to grow as
Common Ground has a long tradition of inviting any student who has a powerful message to share -- not just
Yesterday was a day to hold meetings outside at Common Ground. Three of my meetings were held at picnic tables