By Henry Chisholm
Development Associate
School town hall’s were productive, but according to Common Ground junior Leesandra Mendoza, they were missing something.
by Kimball Cartwright, Development Director
You provide the resources that keep us humming. And hiking. And teaching. And learning. Click here
By Henry Chisholm
Development Associate
What does freedom mean to you?
This was the question posed to some Common Ground students at CEIO's
Alexa Fiszer
Lead Environmental Educator
Winter is ending and Spring is near, it's maple sugaring time, the best time of the year!
Written by Hope Dymond & Belle Browe
Seniors at Common Ground High School
The two of us were in our Senior Social
By Rebecca Holcombe
Director of Community Programs
This is a newsletter article from 2018. Current program information is HERE!
Each weekday in
Common Ground is home to a charter high school and a non-profit urban farm and environmental education center. The site
By Kimball Cartwright, Director of Development
“After air and water, our relationship with food is the most important relationship on this
By Joel Tolman, Director of Impact & Engagement
What should every Common Ground 10th grader experience next year?
Maybe they could struggle