By Melissa Spear, Executive Director
I just made a quick visit to the Common Ground kitchen. I entered through the back
by Jesus Reyes, School Garden Resource Center Crew
This past Saturday, at the Columbus School in Fair Haven, Marcel, TW, and
Mobile Market Assistant
Part Time Seasonal Position
Late June-Mid November 2021
Organization Overview
Common Ground is a center for learning and leadership, inviting people
Mobile Market Manager
Part Time Seasonal Position
Late June-Mid November 2021
Organization Overview
Common Ground is a center for learning and leadership, inviting people
Marcescence and baby chicks!
Robins are back! Bird watching, tree buds, and chicks round out this spring edition.
By Melissa Spear
Executive Director
This summer at Common Ground, our staff’s ability to handle emergencies has been put to the
Purple leaves, painting with soil, and checking out the animals who live at Common Ground!
By Mark Loalbo - Site and Facilities Manager
Before we begin...it is important to recognize that maple sugaring is an indigenous
This week, we're learning about vernal pools and salamanders emerging for spring!
Also, make seed balls for some guerrilla gardening
PLEASE NOTE: In order to comply with adjusted CT Open Meeting laws, this Zoom meeting will be recorded and posted
This week, learn about red-bellied woodpeckers, try some sun and shadow art, and take a tour of our sugar shack!