Dear Common Ground Students & Families,
I have really difficult news to share. Last night, Javier Martinez, a member of our
Common Ground is seeking outstanding staff for our 2014 summer camps. The overall purpose of summer camp at Common Ground is
By Makalya Smith, New Haven Magazine
A new partnership between the federal government and Elm City stakeholders will create an urban oasis for wildlife.
Read the article
"Two New Haven schools—Common Ground High, an environmental-themed charter school, and Engineering and Science University Magnet School (ESUMS), a fast-expanding
Email newsletter readers: We sent out an incorrect link in our January 2014 email newsletter. If you are looking for
This fall, 206 children joined in our Kids Unplugged after-school programs. Nearly 2,000 came to our site for school field
By: Kate Bovarnick
Last year 97% of Common Ground Seniors graduated with a college acceptance in hand, determined to go onto
This year, a team of our high school students is documenting Common Ground -- what it is now, and how
At Common Ground, we push students to do real, authentic projects that help them master tough academic content while addressing
In data released today by the Connecticut State Department of Education, Common Ground High School was recognized for the significant