By Kimball Cartwright
Director of Development
Hardly a day goes by without hearing that eating fruits and vegetables means better health. Who
Now is the time to register your child for a fun-filled outdoor program. We have multiple programs for children of
One of the most common questions I hear from people visiting Common Ground is “What do farmers do in the
Common Ground's Board of Directors -- which serves as the governing board for our community non-profit, and as the board
Camp Teacher/Environmental Educator
Camp Details:
See www.commongroundct.org to read about our camp.
The camp instagram at https://www.instagram.com/commongroundcamp/ is full of pictures
Farm Based Education Coordinator
2018 Job Description
Organization Overview
Common Ground is a center for environmental learning and leadership in New Haven,
Interim Farm Manager
Spring-Fall 2018
Organization Overview
Common Ground is a center for environmental learning and leadership in New Haven,
Connecticut where a
Board of Directors Meeting November 20, 2017
Present: Melissa Spear, Wendy Battles, Michael Doolittle, Bob Parker, Claudia Merson, Frank Mitchell, Beth
By Melissa Spear
Executive Director
With the season’s first snow this past weekend, our site is covered in a cold blanket of
NatureYear parent Tim Sway is an artist and upcycler, and one of his many hobbies includes making things and having adventures with