Nature Notes 4/5/21

Robins are back! Bird watching, tree buds, and chicks round out this spring edition.

Nature Notes 4/5/21 2021-04-05T11:00:18-04:00

Keeping summer safe

  By Melissa Spear Executive Director This summer at Common Ground, our staff’s ability to handle emergencies has been put to the

Keeping summer safe 2021-03-31T13:46:11-04:00

Nature Notes 3/29/21

Purple leaves, painting with soil, and checking out the animals who live at Common Ground!

Nature Notes 3/29/21 2021-03-29T11:05:14-04:00

Sugarin’ at Common Ground

By Mark Loalbo - Site and Facilities Manager Before we is important to recognize that maple sugaring is an indigenous tradition

Sugarin’ at Common Ground 2021-03-24T08:17:06-04:00

Nature Notes 3/23/21

This week, we're learning about vernal pools and salamanders emerging for spring! Also, make seed balls for some guerrilla gardening and visit

Nature Notes 3/23/21 2021-03-22T10:01:27-04:00

Nature Notes 3/15/21

This week, learn about red-bellied woodpeckers, try some sun and shadow art, and take a tour of our sugar shack!

Nature Notes 3/15/21 2021-03-15T09:32:36-04:00

Nature Notes 3/8/21

Did you know that, besides being stinky, skunk cabbage blooms at this time of year because it can actually melt the snow?

Nature Notes 3/8/21 2021-03-15T09:33:51-04:00

Nature Notes 3/1/21

In this week's Nature Notes: winter insects, flower dissection, and NatureYear students discuss the tools of maple sugaring

Nature Notes 3/1/21 2021-03-01T14:43:38-05:00