Common Ground’s unique place — 20 acres of city park land, on the edge of a forested state park, within the City of New Haven — is at the root of everything we do. Our work starts here are ripples outward.

Watch 7 short student-produced videos, sharing sustainable design principles at work in Common Ground’s new Springside Center, and learn about other ways that Common Ground is trying to live out our commitment to sustainable change.
Learn More & Visit

- See a calendar of events
- Explore our urban farm
- Get directions & schedule a visit
- Hike the Old Oak Nature Trail: Map, Informational Guide
Recent Blog Posts about Our Place
What makes a leader a leader?
An interview with Elaine Blanck, by Kimball Cartwright, Director of Development Elaine Blanck, CG Outdoor Leadership Teacher "Ever wonder why Fortune 100 corporations send their executives on survival trips into the woods?" Elaine
Teaching Our Cities 2019
Expertise comes from everywhere By Kimball Cartwright, Director of Development School officially closed in mid-June but for many Common Ground educators and peers from three other schools across the Northeast U.S., the summer was a
Congrats to the Grads – Class of 2019 Graduation
We couldn't be more proud! Take a look at our recent graduates!