Madison Brown
As I approached the end of my freshman year of college, I decided that I wanted my summer of 2017 to be unconventional, ever changing, and rich with hard work and down-to-earth people. After reminiscing the amazing experiences I had during my childhood at Common Ground’s Ecology Camp and winter after school programs, I found myself being drawn back to the campus’s evergreen forest, life teeming springs and unforgettable gardens and farm animals.
It wasn’t long before I began working as a Farm Intern at Common Ground. By my first day of work, I knew I had found exactly what I was looking for.

LEFT: Madison as a summer camper in 2006 (being a plant); TOP: Madison (third from left) hiking with Kids Unplugged in 2006, BOTTOM: Madison (with yellow backpack) hiking Baldwin Road with buddies in 2008.
Each student, staff member, volunteer and Farm Intern has a special place here. Everyone works in harmony to make Common Ground’s mission to “cultivate habits of healthy living and sustainable environmental practices within a diverse community…”. Returning to Common Ground has been a decision and a privilege I know I will smile back on, because each day that I’ve contributed to making our community healthier, stronger, and more unified has been better than the last. After my first few weeks here I can truly say: it feels good to be home.
Haley Goldblatt
I wanted to work at Common Ground this summer because I’m interested in learning more about sustainability and community engagement. I’m going into my senior year at SCSU studying nutrition and social sciences & medicine. Last semester I studied food production and sustainability in Perugia, Italy and I hope to work with clean, fair and safe food practices in the future. With community action, environmental education, CG is an inspiration to me as I decide what I’m going to do in the future.
Marisa Vargas-Morawetz

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