Common Ground Board Meeting – March 23, 2015 – Minutes

Present: Kimball Cartwright, Melissa Spear, Liz Cox, Rebecca Holcombe Beth Klingher, Wendy Battles, Claudia Merson, Frank Mitchell, John Jessen, Jane Lee

Regrets: Kim Futrell, Mike Doolittle, Ben Gardner, Bob Parker, Babz Rawls Ivy

Welcome: Meeting began with a renewal check in and an intro to the group.

Minutes: The body reviewed December and February minutes. Claudia made the motion to approve the minutes and Wendy was the second. The body approved the minutes.

Business Requiring Discussion: Staff presented an intro to the CEIO Partnership with All Our Kin, Common Ground & Planned Parenthood as acommunity of practice that runs for the next year with a possible extension of up to 3 years. Each group organizes a core partnership team that is institutionally representative. Bob Parker, as a board member, has been involved with the team. The scheduled activities include the June 29/30 full day retreat and follow-up 2-hour meetings every 4-6 weeks. Board duties will include an organizational assessment by Niyonu and 2 other consultants. Meanwhile the CG diversity committee continues to meet and ultimately this all yields a workplan for community practice and for the organization. The core partnership team and diversity committee are both needed for this process to succeed. Niyonu may join us at a future meeting to discuss the project.

Construction: Melissa reported on the building’s progress. UI put in the temporary electrical and the trailer arrived but the meter is now missing causing some delay. Construction should begin this week with foundation digging to start the first of April. The first construction bill has been submitted to the state and the reimbursement process has begun. $750,000 did come from the urban ag grant which is helpful and by June 11 Bensonwood should arrive with the walls.

$159, 150. 19 to Newfield construction
John made the motion to approve and Jane was the second. The board voted to approve payment.

School: Liz presented news on renewal. May is the possible completion date with a meeting pending as soon as the first week of that month. Students have begun mastery testing with a science CAPT test and the SBAC is scheduled. The results will provide a baseline for math and English whether the tests continue to be used. There was some discussion of the new educator evaluation support plan and how that will proceed and reach all staff.

There were two legislative issues with potential enormous impact. The federal government might eliminate 21st century funding which would be a considerable budget hit. The other is the raised senate bill 1096 which stops new charter schools and moves approval to Ed Committee and general assembly.

Program: Rebecca noted that the loss of 21 st century funding would also affect after school programming. Spring arrived and the season’s programs were scheduled to begin the next week. 70 kids a day are expected. Summer camp registration is open and there is a new registration software product. Summer camp hiring continues and of the 32 positions, 8 are CG grads at this point. Spring program catalog will be in mailboxes soon.

Development: Kimball presented the chart and noted the interest of reps from the Dalio Foundation in out work. March appears as a “slow month” but with Rock 2 Rock coming up, The Great Give, most donations $25 and over, May 5 or 6, and Common Table there is plenty pending. He will also be contacting members about connecting with invitees to Common Table.

Budget: Melissa reviewed the budget chart noting that some larger grants are outstanding but with confidence. Also pointed fee for service category as lower than might be expected but that income comes through end of year billings from Barnard or Elm City Montessori. Other budget categories seem fine. There was some discussion of rock 2 rock expenses and mention of the budget dashboard plans.

Meeting adjourned by 7:08


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