Take a Tour 2016-12-06T17:13:07-05:00

Take a camp tour! There are two kinds of opportunities to learn more about camp at Common Ground:

Our campus isField Trip - Photo Credit: Diego Barnes open every Saturday for Open Farm Day (starting April 1, 2017) from 10 AM – 2 PM. Open Farm Day is free and self-guided – no RSVP necessary.

Stop by with your child(ren) anytime from 10 – 2 to explore the campus, visit the farm animals, or go for a walk in the woods. Staff are on campus to welcome you and are happy to answer questions, but they may not have all the answers to your camp-specific questions.



Camp tours are hSproutsStairsosted every Thursday morning from 10:30 – 11:15 AM (from March 30, 2017, through May 25, 2017). Camp tours, led by our camp director or a senior camp staff member, are a great way to see the campus and ask all of your camp questions. You can also have your financial aid application processed and/or register in person if you are unable to register online.