Schoolyards Program 2017-04-11T09:34:36-04:00

Our goal is to support sustained outdoor learning programs in schools, create confident leaders within school communities and establish a strong network of educators all over Connecticut who value quality outdoor learning experiences for their students.

SchoolGardenWe do this through working intensively with New Haven public schools on outdoor learning initiatives, offering a series of teacher workshops throughout the year and working with partner organizations all over Connecticut on supporting place-based schoolyard learning in K-12 schools.

School Garden Resource Center

The Connecticut School Garden Resource Center supports the creation of educational garden programs and outdoor classrooms that are truly integrated into school communities. We do this through connecting schools to gardening knowledge, curriculum resources and community engagement tools. In New Haven, we work intensely with 3 schools each year to develop a garden program. Click here to go to the CT School Garden Resource Center webpage. 

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Schoolyard Habitat

A project  of Common Ground, Audubon CT, US Fish and Wildlife and New Haven Public Schools that is part of the New Haven Harbor Urban Watershed Wildlife Refuge Partnership.

Schoolyard Habitats is a national program lead by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to teach students about native plants and wildlife and encourage environmental stewardship. In New Haven, Common Ground partners with Audubon CT, US Fish and Wildlife and the Yale Peabody Museum to support schools in creating a native wildlife habitat and outdoor classroom. Schools also receive teacher training and curriculum resources so that the entire school community can confidently use the new educational space.

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 New Haven Schoolyards partner schools

Interested in expanding schoolyard learning at your school?  Contact us at to talk about a free consultations, after-school contracts or other custom partnerships.