Visit our High School Home Page to learn all about our unique school and view information for current or perspective students.
Are you or a young person you know looking for a high school where you can blaze your own path to college success, powerful leadership, a meaningful career, and a happy, whole, sustainable life?
Common Ground High School’s lottery is open now through March 7th! If you want to learn more about Common Ground High School, fill out an interest form, sign up for an Open House, or shadow a current student, use the link below!
Use the button below for links to all of our programs for children and families, including after school programs, school field trips, birthday parties, and more!
Common Ground Board of Directors Board Meeting Agenda: August 30, 2021
PLEASE NOTE: In order to comply with adjusted CT Open Meeting laws, this Zoom meeting will be recorded and posted on the Common Ground website New Haven Ecology Project Board Meeting Agenda August 30, 2021
La Directora de la escuela Common Ground: Cherry Pacquette-Emmanuel!
Estimada familia de Common Ground, Estoy feliz de compartir que la Sra. Cherry Pacquette-Emmanuel ha aceptado y empezado el rol de Directora de la escuela Common Ground! Ms. Cherry fue elegida de manera unánime por
Introducing School Director, Cherry Pacquette-Emmanuel!
Dear Common Ground family, I am excited to share that Ms. Cherry Pacquette-Emmanuel has accepted and started the role of School Director of Common Ground High School! Ms. Cherry was the unanimous first choice of