Come visit the Mobile Market!
The Mobile Market, in operation since its pilot season in 2012, is a farm stand on wheels that brings fresh produce from Connecticut farms directly to New Haven neighborhoods. Common Ground supplies the Mobile Market with fresh, local tomatoes, peppers, cilantro, corn, peaches and more, grown on our farm and other farms around the state!
The Mobile Market accepts WIC and Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program cards, cash, and credit card payments. Customers get 50% off with SNAP purchases (thanks to CitySeed).
Come visit the market, grab some fresh, tasty fruits and veggies, and make it a vibrant part of your neighborhood this season.
Questions? Contact
The Mobile Market would not be possible without our partners at Cornell Scott Hill Health Center, Mary Wade Home, New Haven Public Library, Alder Honda Smith, City Seed, The Towers, City of New Haven Elderly Services Department, and Elm City Communities.