Yesterday was a day to hold meetings outside at Common Ground. Three of my meetings were held at picnic tables
New Haven Ecology Project is accepting bids until 3pm on Friday, May 15 for construction of a basic park-style classroom
Teaching Our Cities & The Schoolyards Program -- programs of Common Ground -- are seeking applications from schools interested in
New Haven Ecology Project
Board Meeting Minutes
March 23rd (Conducted online by Zoom Meeting)
Board Members Present: Kyeen Andersson, Wendy Battles, Michael Doolittle,
By: Audrey Nefores, Development Manager for Supporter Engagement
Staff at Common Ground began responding to COVID-19 and its impact on the
We've been consulting with local officials and our partner organizations, and following public health guidelines closely -- and we're really
New Haven Ecology Project
Board Meeting Agenda: Posted Mar 20, 2020 at 12:18pm
March 23rd
In compliance with the Governor's Executive Order barring
18 de marzo del 2020
Buenos dias familias de Common Ground,
Espero que todos ustedes estén aguantando durante estos tiempos extremadamente difíciles.
Updated March 23, 2020
Good Morning Common Ground Families,
I hope that you are all holding up during this extended period away
Attention Common Ground High School Students: While you are home this week, one thing you can be doing is applying
Liz Cox, Common Ground’s school director for the last 10 years, has decided to retire at the end of the