Present: Liz Cox, Kimball Cartwright, Betsy Sneath, Joel Tolman, Frank Mitchell, Mike Doolittle, Claudia Merson, Jane Lee, Kim Futrell, Bob Parker, John Jessen
Regrets: Wendy Battles, Melissa Spear
Welcome and minutes:The meeting’s welcome included some review of the renewal site visit and the board interview.
Business Requiring Approval: Betsy, Joel, and Kimball shared the progress on construction and the following invoices:
- Newfield Construction
$ 37, 013.56 first payment - LaRosa billing charges to date, buried cable, duct installation, propane electrical conduits into building. LaRosa doing excavation.
$87, 740.00
Claudia made a motion to approve payment of the invoices and Bob was the second. The board voted to approve the motion.
Newfield’s Guaranteed Max Price is $9, 203, 870.00 but there are conditions. Meetings are scheduled to figure out possible use of urban act funds and a little more bonding money. Legislation must be ready and supporters committed. $700,000 is our contingency for extra engineering or architectural support.
Bob made the motion authorizing Melissa to sign the GMP for $9, 203, 870.00 with Newfield. Claudia’s voice was the second. The body voted in support.
Betsy distributed the construction update and March should be the start of excavation for foundation with the hope that concrete can be poured by the end of March.
Program: Rebecca submitted a written report.
School: Liz reminded that testing season is approaching and there is still some question about the SBAC test for use in April. There is some hope that some resource more reliable than CAPT will appear. There is the possibility that a charter funder could help with some kind of assessment tool for prototyping by CT charters. There is hope. College acceptances are appearing and that is the result of a good deal of guidance curriculum work on college and career. The next phase is following the graduate once they are enrolled to clarify what alumni need to complete college or where they are headed when they leave before graduation. The retention issue is as much ours as it is the university’s. Students are discussing restorative discipline models that dispense with detentions and minimize suspensions. It is an exciting possibility. And the renewal hearing is scheduled for March 10 and will be good practice for the advocacy required to meet the proposed budget which keeps the per pupil flat though it does increase charter school seats.
Board Work: Joel reviewed changes to the values statement. After some discussion and commendation, Mike moved to approve the value statement and Kim was the second. The members voted to approve the statement.
Finance: Betsy distributed the budget and financials for the month and Kimball noted a grant to support technology and to help with outfitting the new building. Members reviewed the development report card and budget documents and the body was reminded of the Rock to Rock fundraiser and Common Table scheduled for Sunday May 31.
The meeting adjourned by 7:09.
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