Common Ground Board Meeting Agenda for August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024


By Zoom
Meeting ID: 862 9982 8728
Passcode: 609432


Public Comment (5:30) (two minutes per person for a total time limit of 30 minutes, or by email; see instructions below) Sign up for Public Participation HERE

Business Requiring Approval (6:00)

Minutes of the June 24th Board Meeting 

Minutes of the June 25th Annual Board Meeting

Motion for Certified Resolution: 

Revise the authorized signers of the ED-099 Agreement for Child Nutrition Programs

  • Authorized Signatures Change Form
  • The board should motion to approve Elena Augusewicz as Signer #1 and Monique Frasier as Signer #2. This will allow them to prepare the Monthly Child Nutrition Claims. Signature #3 must be a BOD member. 

Add Monique Frasier to our TD Bank Accounts. Remove Cherry Pacquette Emmanuel from the TD bank account

Invoices Needing Approval

Executive Director Report (6:05) (Karen)

Link to August Director Reports

Committee Reports (6:15)

Minutes of all Committee Meetings will be Posted on the Board of Directors Webpage by the end of each month

Audit/Finance Committee (Jeff)

Budget vs. Actuals: June 2024

These numbers are subject to change pending the audit. 

Common Ground’s net income was -$250,296.00 even after the $175,000.00 anonymous gift. New Haven Ecology Project’s net income was  +$223,162.00. The total org revenue ($7,824,310.00) – Total org operating expense ($7,819,584.00) = +$4,726.00 at the end of the fiscal year  

If we did not secure funding from the anonymous donor the entire organization would have had a deficit of around $170,274.00

Minutes from the Audit/Finance Committee can be found HERE.

Development Committee Report (Brian + Committee)

Development Committee Presentation
Development Committee Presentation Resource
Board Agreement Document Draft

The newly reinstated Development Committee met on August 15th. Brian Kelehan is the Development Committee Chair and Liz Cox, Peter Ludwig, Karen Jenkins (Staff) and Audrey Nefores (Staff) are all members. The presentation will be based on the workshop offered by the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven that Brian, Liz, Audrey and Karen attended in June. The group also worked with Cindy Kissin, the pro bono consultant that a major donor made available to the Common Ground Board to improve its fundraising capacity.

Hiring Committee (Audrey)

ED Search Update

The Hiring Committee met virtually with Edgility on August 13th to discuss next steps in the process. Audrey Nefores hosted Edgility for a tour of the campus on August 14th. Audrey connected Edgility with school leaders to set up a focus group session with educators. Edgility would also like to meet with the Management Team for a focus group session, as well as our Major Stakeholders. Edgility will also plan a widely accessible Town Hall to gather feedback from our broader community.

Governance Committee Report (Alexis)

The governance committee met on Tuesday August 20th. Alexis Smith will give a verbal update.

Personnel Committee Report

The personnel committee did not meet in July. This was an ad hoc committee and, for now, it is not going to be active moving forward.

School Committee Report (Liz) 

The School Committee had three meetings in the 24-25 School Year July 17, July 30, and August 21. Liz Cox will give a verbal update during the board meeting.

Minutes from the School Committee Meeting can be found HERE.

New Business (6:45)

Executive Session (7:50)

Adjourn (8:00)

Next Meeting: Monday, September 30th – In person.

Public Comment: 

In order to comply with Connecticut Open Meeting laws, any member of the public wishing to participate in the meeting must sign up on the Public Participation Sign-up Document. Sign-ups for Public Participation will open at 5 pm on the last business day before the meeting (Friday, August 23rd and will close at 5:00 pm on the day of the meeting (Monday, August 26th) Public Participation is limited to 2 minutes per person up to 30 total minutes. Anyone wishing to make a statement to the board can also submit testimony in writing to  by 5:00 pm on the day of the meeting. All submitted documents will be included in the publicly shared meeting minutes.


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