Present: Babz Rawls Ivy, Monique Frasier, Bob Parker, Beth Klingher, Frank Mitchell, Mike Doolittle, Kimball Cartwright, Shannon Raider Ginsberg, Betsy Sneath, Liz Cox, Melissa Spear, Rebecca Holcombe, Meredith Odinak, Cornell Wright, Kerry Ellington, other Common Ground staff
Regrets: Kerry Lord, Joel Tolman, Claudia Merson, Jane Lee, Wendy Battles
The formal meeting began after a planning session with board members, Common Ground diversity committee members, and interested staff.
Business Requiring Approval:
Melissa detailed the current invoices:
- Newfield Construction for work ending in February – $289, 498.00
- Advanced Benefit Strategies for healthcare coverage deductible/partial self insurance – $ 11,000
- Gray Organschi for construction administration – $5000
- Gray Organschi renovation planning current school building – $5000
- Monthly payment to CBIA for health insurance
Melissa noted next month’s new building move-in date and the expected final payments to Newfield due in July. The final review and punchlist should be completed in June.
Bob made the motion to approve the invoice requests and Mike was the second. The board approved the motion.
Melissa quickly detailed the budget vs. actual numbers and projected a possible $50,000 surplus by year’s end—under budget in instructional supplies, oil costs, and even electricity. There will be an update in April.
Staff members continue the collaborative budgeting process in an effort to be more informed about the institution’s challenges while planning for each department’s financial needs. It is an iterative process. The current is a version and there are deficit numbers remaining.
Construction plans for current building have $500,000 in funds to be raised. There are several loan possibilities.
The current budget draft includes $130,000 deficit for CG and $30,000 deficit for NHEP
Remaining budget features still under discussion: diversity coordinator, farm educator, School Garden Resource or school habitat coordinator, and several curriculum related coordinators. The next draft will be presented at the April meeting.
The meeting adjourned by 7:15.
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