Common Ground Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: Meeting September 30, 2024 (DRAFT)

This meeting was held in person.

September 30th 5:30pm

In person at Common Ground – Springside Room 205

Present: Alexis Smith, Karen Jenkins, Liz Cox, Brian Kelahan, Jeff Carter, Carly Osborne, Peter Ludwig. 

Staff: Amanda Byam, Elena Augusewicz, Monique Frasier, Rebecca Holcombe, Audrey Nefores, Joel Tolman, Sarah Field.

Public: N/A


Alexis called the meeting  to order at 5:37 pm.

Public Comment (5:37): There was no public comment

Business Requiring Approval (5:38)

Brian moved to adjust Jackie’s presentation time to come after business requiring approval. Liz seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of August 26th minutes: Liz moved. Brian seconded. All in favor. None opposed. The motion passed unanimously.

Appointment of Sarah Field as Teacher Representative.

  • Sarah shared that she is a science teacher. She runs an elective course, in addition to her classes – last year, it was field biodiversity. This year, she is also teaching a course with Joel. Sarah explained that she has been involved in science for decades now, listing some roles and projects she has completed – including a small-scale reptile rescue at the museum, among many others.
  • Jeff moved to appoint Sarah Field as Teacher Rep. Carly seconded. All in favor, none opposed. The motion passed unanimously.

The School Handbook and the revised Non-Discrimination Policy.

  • Brian moved to approve the School Handbook. Liz seconded. All in favor, none opposed. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Peter moved to approve the Non-Discrimination Policy. Carly seconded. All in favor, none opposed. The motion passed unanimously.

The School Committee members and School Leadership gave an overview of the changes to the handbook and confirmed the non-discrimination policy needs to be posted on the CG website.

Jackie Downing Presentation (5:45) 

Brian introduced Jackie Downing – Senior Director of Grantmaking and Nonprofit Support at the Community Foundation.

Jackie provided a presentation to the Board entitled, “Practices and Best Practices for Nonprofit Boards,” where she reviewed the basic responsibilities of nonprofit boards:

  1. Determine the organization’s mission.
  2. Select the chief executive – the full board creates the job description, does the hiring, disciplining, and firing.
  3. Support the chief executive and review their performance – provide moral & professional support, give advice, give them clear goals and evaluate them annually (with a new person, the board might want to do a 3-6 month evaluation).
  4. Ensure effective organizational planning – think about a business plan or strategic plan. 
  5. Ensure adequate resources – 100% of the board should be participating in giving. Writing a check from your business is a plus, but it should be your personal money. It has to be a shared journey to raise the money, everyone is part of the fundraising. 
    1. Karen asked to clarify that it is the Board who has to fundraise, not staff. Jackie confirmed it is the Board and shared the importance of staff being mission-driven.
  6. Manage resources effectively
  7. Determine, monitor, and strengthen programs and services
  8. Enhance the organization’s public standing – Everyone should know that you are on the board of Common Ground. Every event – treat everyone with equal respect, possibly identifying potential board members, volunteers, etc. Know the accomplishments of the organization.
  9. Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability.
  10. Recruit and orient new board members and assess board performance – determine what you need on the board, understand that every day you are looking for new board members, and create a process to on-board.

Jackie shared a scoring exercise, other best practices – board expectations statement, term limits, and committee structures.

Alexis shared that the board expectations document is in the works. Jackie asked if there are term limits and if anyone has been on the board for longer than 10 years. She stressed that you need term limits, fresh perspectives, and shared that new sets of board members allow the ability to bring in new donors. Jackie shared that the work actually gets done in committee meetings and how important that is. She explained how quorum affects a board and recommended that 100% meeting attendance should be required.

Jackie asked how many people are on the board. Alexis stated that there are 12. If quorum is added, the absent board members at a meeting does not affect voting. Jackie recommended that a consent agenda is added. Alexis asked about the transparency aspect of the consent agenda and if invoices could fall under a consent agenda. Jackie stated that it can be included and explained that anyone can pull anything off the consent agenda for conversation, such as an invoice. Brian asked about the executive session – as a school board, the board is required to share the reason for going into executive session. Jackie clarified that she cannot speak about a school board. Alexis explained that the reason has to be shared if it’s about a personnel issue. Jackie recommended asking the board’s lawyer about specifics. Jackie discussed financial management, monitoring, year-end statements, and creating a fund development plan – including the importance of balancing with staff/board capacity, and what fundraising tools are right. Jackie explained how stewardship makes a huge impact and the three keys to stewardship. Jackie concluded with the recommendation to determine the priorities for board scores and make a commitment to do two things differently to improve the Board.

Peter asked about an item Jackie discussed. Jackie expressed that the Board wants to know what the programs at CG are doing – who are you attracting, how are they doing, and whatever issues are being experienced. If there is a challenge, the expertise on the Board should be addressing it. 

Karen shared that the ten basic responsibilities of nonprofit boards is what the Development committee is working on. They will present about one at each board meeting. Karen thanked all the members of the Development committee for their contribution to this plan.

Audrey expressed her gratitude to Jackie for her deep friendship with Common Ground and all the ways that Jackie helped her throughout Audrey’s role in Development. 

Invoices Needing Approval (6:38)

Jeff shared about the below invoices.

    • FY 23-24 Rent: $13,000 for CGHS and $7000 for NHEP Total $20,000.00 Budgeted 
    • Jeremy Stone: $9,227.00, Summer Curriculum Development and Teacher Support Budgeted
  • Thurston Foods: $6272.52, multiple food orders for Sept. Budgeted
  • Zangari Cohen: $12,040.00, August General Consultation – Unemployment and Arbitration Hearings Budgeted
  • Public Allies: $10,595.00, Partner Organization Fee: Ally – Dymin Ellis

Alexis asked what the Public Ally does.

Elena asked if we are partnering with Public Allies this school year. Monique shared that we do plan to partner again this year. Joel explained that this would not be a new additional expense and that it’s been budgeted.

Jeff moved to approve the invoices listed above as presented. Brian seconded the motion to approve the invoices. The invoices were approved unanimously.

Jeff shared that we are already over budget on the school budget and have not gotten over budgeting from the previous year so we should not go over that.

Alexis asked if there were any further discussions or questions. No more comments.

Executive Director Report (6:41) (Karen)

Karen opened the floor to the members of the Management Team to report out:

Karen asked Rebecca to start by addressing Public Safety. 

Rebecca shared that there is a great applicant for the full time Safety & Security position – an employee of MetroGuard. Rebecca expressed that MetroGuard will provide someone who’s highly experienced. Rebecca stated that there is a second position that runs from 2:30-6pm, so they will overlap.

Liz asked if this position is in the budget that was approved, to get a feel for how much expense is not currently included in the budget.

Karen and Elena answered that it is not in the current budget. Karen shared that there will be a live security presentation by MetroGuard.

Brian asked what the cost is. Brian asked how the process is different, what is different about MetroGuard from what we’ve done, and how do we involve students?

Rebecca shared that MetroGuard requires a Guard card and that they require licensing from the state of CT. They do a full background check, screening, and assessment. Rebecca answered that students have not been involved. Rebecca and Candi have been working on expanding the hours, making sure they provide for the entire organization and not just the school, and have made student interaction central to the process. They have been trying to hire since the beginning of August.

Karen confirmed that the guard will be providing services to the whole organization, not just the school. They will be contracted.

Brian noted the students should be engaged in a discussion as to how the guard will interact with them and others on campus.

Jeff asked if the twelve hour shifts will be covered throughout the year.

Rebecca answered that the shifts will be throughout the entire year, including during camp.

Liz shared her concerns about splitting the cost between NHEP and the school.

Monique shared absenteeism rates. Teacher absenteeism has been good this September, there has been one teacher who was out due to an injury/illness.

Audrey reviewed the success of Feast from the Fields, including the increase in sponsorships and ticket revenue. Audrey stated that next on the pipeline for Development activity is the Annual Gratitude Report. This goes out to anyone that has given to the organization in any capacity. There will be copies mailed and it will also be shared digitally. It will include four stats from the High School, from the Urban Farm, and from Community Programs. In the past, they were not handed out to Board members. Audrey asked that the board requests for copies to handout this year.

Joel shared about a recent experience with students at the Wetlands. Joel expressed his gratitude for students taking ownership of the Wetlands.

Karen thanked the staff and board members for their participation.

Committee Reports (6:58)

Minutes of all Committee Meetings will be Posted on the Board of Directors Webpage by the end of each month.

Development Committee Report (6:58) (Brian/Committee)

Brian talked about a pledge for board members. Brian brought up the phrase “give or get” from Jackie’s presentation – identify what board members can give and what they can get from others. Brian shared the committee’s intentions for the fundraising plan they are working on and plan to present at the next board meeting. 

Alexis asked when the year starts for the development plan they are trying to kick off.

Brian answered that it’s the current year, which has already started. 

Audit/Finance Committee Report (7:06) (Jeff/Elena)

Minutes from the Audit/Finance Committee Meeting can be found HERE. For more info contact Jeff Carter.

Jeff shared that they are working with Lynn Landau as part time bookkeeper. Jeff explained the work they are doing with Your Part Time Controller (YPTC). They met last week and have a person that is assigned to the organization – Monique. Jeff and Elena shared that they have a report that looks different but that the same data will be presented. Jeff shared that he doesn’t have a lot of faith in the numbers and that the audit has caused this process to take a backseat. Once the audit is complete, Jeff explained that the report will look better. Last year’s numbers and this year’s numbers are up to date. Jeff thinks that the new format will make it easier to understand, for those who are not used to looking at the report.

Elena and Jeff emphasized the various changes happening within the finance office at CG and that it is all in an effort to streamline processes, as well as make things easier to digest.  

The Board discussed the projected deficit and ways in which it can help to fundraise and support development efforts to decrease the deficit. 

Sarah asked where can the past reports from previous years be found, to understand the scope of the whole organization. Elena answered that the Budgets vs. Actuals in every meeting’s minutes will show that.

Alexis asked if there were any other questions for Jeff and Elena. No questions or comments.

School Committee Report (7:16) (Liz) 

Minutes from the School Committee Meeting can be found HERE.

Liz shared that there are various vacant positions in the high school that need to be filled.

Alexis asked if these positions have been shared in the monthly newsletters.

Liz shared that teachers do not to be certified, although that is preferable.

Alexis asked if there is any way that the board can help fill in the student enrollment goal.

Monique presented about the Focus for SY 2024-2025. Monique shared that she has been vocal to staff members that the focus is on academic achievement. Monique expressed her personal concern about eight students terminating their enrollment at the school, including some going to other charter schools. 

Monique shared Key Engagement Strategies, including a revised guidance/advisory structure.

Peter asked about the guidance houses that’s being implemented in the school, like Art House.

Monique shared how students are grouped for certain guidances based on their interests.

Sarah shared about Field House, which she runs, where students are able to learn and participate outside.

Liz asked if they are multi-grade.

Sarah confirmed that they are mixed grades and how that helps students develop into leaders in their affinity houses.

Brian asked if they are addressing SEL concerns in the affinity houses.

Sarah answered that they are and explained how they are doing that through their interests. 

Monique shared that the Art House and Music House are indeed addressing SEL, like using music to reconnect. Monique explained some key college and post secondary success strategies from the Student Improvement Plan – including Guidance/Advisory leads, where students will have roles where they assist the guidance teacher.

Liz asked if these items will be shared with the board. Monique confirmed that she will share them.

Alexis asked if there are any more comments or questions for the School committee.

Liz shared that it’s nice to see the teams written out.

Search Committee (7:39) (Jeff/Audrey)

ED Search Update

Jeff shared that tomorrow is the last night for people to give feedback, which will be in the form of a virtual community town hall. By the end of the week, Edgility should have a good idea often candidate profile and the posting will be available soon. By the end of November, there will be a slate of candidates to choose from. Then, by December, they will interview one or two people. By January, there will be a candidate selected.

Governance Committee Report (7:43) (Alexis)

The governance committee did not meet.

New Business (7:45)

Student representatives: Alexis shared that they would like to select student representatives soon and requested Sarah help with that process. Alexis emphasized that school administration should be responsible to facilitating the student representation selection process, but that she and the governance committee would be responsible for onboarding the new students. 

Executive Session (7:45)

There was no executive session

Adjourn (7:46)

Brian made the motion to adjourn. Peter seconded the motion. Meeting ended at 7:46.

Next Meeting: Monday, October 28th by Zoom.

Public Comment: 

In order to comply with Connecticut Open Meeting laws, any member of the public wishing to participate in the meeting must sign up on the Public Participation Sign-up Document. Sign-ups for Public Participation will open at 5 pm on the last business day before the meeting (Friday, October 25th and will close at 5:00 pm on the day of the meeting (Monday,October 28th) Public Participation is limited to 2 minutes per person up to 30 total minutes. Anyone wishing to make a statement to the board can also submit testimony in writing to by 5:00 pm on the day of the meeting. All submitted documents will be included in the publicly shared meeting minutes.


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