NEW HAVEN >> There was a time when Fatou Cisse would not have considered herself what she calls “a woodsy person.”

Nicholas Young, 7, climbs a tree during Choice Time at summer camp at Common Ground High School in New Haven on 7/22/2016. Photo by Arnold Gold/New Haven Register
But after attending Common Ground High School for four years and graduating this year, as well as serving as counselor at the summer camp held at the school, Cisse is ready to share that she now goes “hiking for fun.”
“It changes you, you get to see what nature is like,” Cisse said of her experiences.
Cisse, who intends to study biomedical engineering in college, said she also senses a new spirit of adventure in many of the campers she sees among the 235 children a week the camp is serving this summer. She said the children are trying new things and “It’s a positive vibe….it lets the kids be kids.”
The campers even “love to get dirty,” she said.
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